A few words about body image + 4 other frugal things

1. I bought a squirrel repellent for my van.

Longtime readers will remember my persistent troubles with squirrels nesting in my van.

(Last year, I even found live baby squirrels in there!)

Id heard the suggestion of an under-hood light before, but at first, I thought that made no sense.

Squirrels arent nocturnal, after all.

But then I realized that even in broad daylight, it IS dark and safe-feeling under my vans hood.

And that is why a light makes sense.

Squirrel nesting season is right around the corner, so I bought this.

squirrel light ultrasonic

It straps to the engine compartment and runs through continuous cycles, combining lights with ultrasonic waves.

This thing is way cheaper than a van repair, and I am really hoping it will help the mama squirrels see that my van is not a good place to have babies.

Ill keep you posted!

2. I made an Old Navy return in-store.

The jeans I ordered for Sonia didnt fit, and I didnt want to pay return shipping.

So, I waited until Mr. FG and I had a date night near an Old Navy and I did the return in person.

No extra gas, no extra money.

3. I bought a $5.99 sweater for Sonia.

I had to walk past a clearance rack at Old Navy to do the return, and I spied a polka-dotted cardigan in XS for $5.99.

Old Navy sweater clearance price tag

I thought it might fit pretty well with Sonias vintage aesthetic, and I knew she loves polka dots.

I took a small risk by buying it without Sonia there, but luckily it fits!

So, I dont have to go do another return. Phew.

Old Navy polka dotted cardigan Sonia

Vintage dog pin from a friend and reader, belt from ThredUp, pants a hand-me-down gift from another friend and reader.

4. I made squash rolls to use up extra cooked squash.

They look unnaturally yellow, I know, but I promise it is just the squash!

squash yeast rolls

I hadnt made these in ages, possibly since before Zoe was born.

But Lisey remembered loving them in the past, so she was very pleased to see them come out of the oven.

5. I did not get a Cool Sculpting treatment.


On Instagram yesterday, I shared this advertisement I saw in my dermatologists office.

cool sculpting advertisement

For starters, I think the idea that a minor adjustment to your appearance will suddenly cure a fear of mirrors is ridiculous.

Out of curiosity, I looked up the prices, and found that they range from $2000-$4000.


And its more if you want to do multiple areas.

(Which, if you are being this picky about your body, you probably will want to do.)

Think of the money we can all save by accepting that our bodies will never look perfect!

And they wouldnt be perfect even if we were models. Look at Targets current swimsuit models, now that theyve stopped editing them.

Anyway. CoolSculpting is not for me. :)

Your turn! Share your own Five Frugal Things in the comments.

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