What is the hardest article of clothing to shop for as an older woman? PANTS!
Oh my, how we ladies struggle finding a great fitting pair of pants. Most women give up right there in the store and they settle! Well no more settling. One thing we ladies over 60 know how to do is say NO!
So here is the pant shopping protocol.
First, interview the pants and then get naked! Got your attention?
Good… now listen carefully! If you were going on a date with hopefully a well-dressed gent, what would be the requirements you might have for your prospect?
Let’s pick four things. He’s wearing a belt. He has change in his pockets. His pants aren’t dragging on the floor. His butt isn’t sagging in his cotton khakis.
Oh my, you are particular aren’t you? If only you were that particular when it came to the choices that actually affect your pants!
Let’s visualize the process of hunting, gathering, finding a dressing room and then getting naked in the hopes of exiting said dressing room looking like Kate Blanchett in a perfect fitting, traffic stopping pair of pants!
Guess what – your chances of that happening if you have skipped the all-important interview process are nil, none and zip! Plus – didn’t your mother ever warn you about getting naked on the first date? So what’s the point?
Let me help you with some “gathering” pointers – I call it the 4-point checklist.
#1: Stop Buying Pants with Belts
When was the last time you wore a belt? Ten years ago? Then why are you still buying pants with belts? Put those pants back on the rack!
#2: Say No to Side Pockets
Do you have a little extra in the hips? Then why are you still buying pants with side pockets? Note to self… there are no more phone booths so no need for jingling change in your pockets, which translates to no need for pockets. Put those pants back on the rack!
#3: Lose the Loose Fabric
Do you find you have a baggy butt in your pants? Then why are you buying pants with bottoms that are 12 inches wide? Do the math… 12 inches, times two sides, equals 24 inches of fabric that actually starts at the hip! No wonder you have a baggy butt!
Look for pants that have an 8 to 10 inch bottom, no wider unless you are going for the 70’s look. Put those pants back on the rack!
#4: Kick Out the Khakis
Did I mention khakis? Geez lades… leave those stiff cotton pants for the guys! They can stand on their own – you don’t even have to be wearing them! You need to be wearing your clothing as opposed to your clothing wearing you!
Look for luxury fabrics like ponte knits, all season tropical wools and blended fabrics that include a bit of Lycra for ‘forgiving’ – anything but stiff cotton khaki’s that look like you are wearing your canvas boat bag. Put those pants back on the rack!
The long and short of it is shopping can be challenging! Don’t make it worse by hunting and gathering for the wrong thing and then dropping your drawers resulting in a huge frustrating waste of time! Plus, now you are naked in the dressing room with not a salesperson in sight. Can you spell waste of time?
Here’s another pointer – shop online before you ever start the car! Take your measurements, match them up with the ‘store fits’ before you even step foot in the store.
Most stores now carry several different styles to accommodate women’s fabulous figures including petite, plus, long, high rise, low rise, slim, curvy and extra curvy. You can pre-shop online and then either buy there or call ahead to the store to make sure they have inventory.
What have you found the best pants for women our age? What other questions would you like me to address in a future article? Please join the conversation.
#MakeupAndFashion #FashionForWomenOver60