Veggie Loaded Spinach, Pepper & Herb Quiche for Baby Led Weaning

Veggie Loaded Spinach, Pepper & Herb Quiche for Baby Led Weaning

Veggie loaded quiche is an AMAZING freezer-friendly finger food for baby led weaning. If you’re like me, any recipe that is healthy, baby can feed himself without making a huge mess, and I can batch cook and freeze for a quick baby led weaning lunch I considered AMAZING in my book 🙂 (pun intended).

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Quiche is fun to cook with little kids too! Oscar loves to get his little fingers in the homemade pie crust/pastry. It’s basically like play dough he can eventually eat (when cooked). It’s also great for sensory play. We’ve been home an extra lot lately so we have been cooking and baking together regularly.

That’s another super positive about staying home right now, our freezers are getting STOCKED with yummy healthy food! We’ve even been able to have family lunchtime which is so nice!

The Recipe

This recipe as written can make 6 small quiches (using standard mini pie tins) or 12 mini quiches (in a standard muffin tin) or 24 itty bitty baby quiche (in a mini muffin tin). My personal favourite is the mini muffin tins, they are super for babies little hands and excellent for adjusting serving sizes for multiple kids. For example, you may give a 12-month-old 2 itty bitty quiche for a baby led weaning lunch and a 3 or 4-year-old 4 or 5 itty bitty veggie quiche for lunch.

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The pastry is really fun for cooking with kids. You want to keep your butter as cold as possible. Cold bits of butter when layered into flour and baked are what creates a flaky pie crust. If your butter gets too soft, your pie crust will be a bit denser (most babies don’t mind ;). I recommend freezing your butter for about 30 minutes prior to making the crust. Then cut it into little cubes before mixing into the flour.

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I literally used as many veggies as I could from the Dunnes Stores Everyday Savers so it really brought down the cost, plus with the way things are with work, I figure I need to tighten my belt!!!. I’ve also made so many variations of these using; courgettes, sweet potato, roasted carrots, butternut squash and they are all only €1 instore so it really does mean this is a dish that can feed a family for really cheap!

Once you roll out your crust and place in tins, put the tins in the refrigerator until you’re ready to place in the spinach, peppers, and quiche mixture. I like to place the veggies in the tin first, then pour on the whisked eggs. This way there is an even distribution of veggies for each quiche.

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To Freeze

Freezing quiche is easy! Just bake the quiche following the recipe as written. Cool them completely on a wire rack, but don’t leave them out for too long, just until cooled. Place them into a freezer bag or plastic container and seal out as much air as possible. Freeze for up to 2 months. Reheat in the microwave and crisp crust in the oven as desired. Viola, an easy healthy baby led weaning lunch in a pinch! Just make sure they cool to room temperature before serving to your little ones. 

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I really can’t wait for you to try this recipe and if you do, don’t forget to tag @babyledfeeding. Any comments and feedback would be amazing too!


Aileen xoxoxox

This recipe is sponsored by Dunnes Stores.

Veggie loaded spinach pepper and herb quiche for baby led weaning. Healthy lunch or breakfast ideas for baby led weaning. Mini quiche are the perfect healthy finger food for babies and toddlers and they freeze beautifully too! #babyledweaning #babyledfeeding #fingerfood #babybreakfast #babylunch #freezerfood #pickyeaters

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